Pre Order your own Cable Modem Now!
Paying too much for cable?
We are all paying too much for Cable and Internet! We are now taking pre-orders for Optimum compatible cable modems, that will save you $11.99 per month off your cable bill. Buy your own modem and in under 6 months it will pay for itself! Quantity discounts are also available! Fill in the form below, and once we can get enough requests, they will be on the way to your door! Once you receive it, simply call your provider and they will set it up. Then return the one they provided and your bill will go down!
Request your OWN cable modem now!
Arris Touchstone TM1602G Docsis 3.0 Upgradeable 16×4 Telephony Modem for TWC & Optimum.
Starting at $69.99