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Statement from Senator Duff on the Superior Court’s Ruling on Connecticut’s Education Funding System

Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk) today released the following statement regarding Hartford Superior Court Judge Thomas G. Moukawsher’s ruling in the case brought by the Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding:


“Judge Thomas Moukawsher has given the Connecticut General Assembly 180 days to fix our education funding system in Connecticut.


“This is a moment not to be squandered, but an opportunity to put Connecticut on the cutting edge of educational greatness for generations in the future. It is well known that we have some of the best school districts in the country with amazing teachers all across the state. One of the many reasons families settle in Connecticut is for our educational opportunities. Yet, we face hurdles of a stubborn achievement gap and graduate some students who are neither prepared for a highly technical job market nor rigorous college work.


“The bottom line is children from all across the state should receive the necessary resources to ensure success. We must be creative, bold and strategic.


“Where children are not prepared for kindergarten we must roll out universal preschool. As a long-time supporter of family resource centers, Connecticut should bolster them in every school in our priority school districts. Children on free and reduced lunch, English language learners and special education students – groups that have historically needed our attention must be taken into account and funded based on need and not zip code.


“It is important that there are no winners or losers but a chance to fund education that will produce results and success in the classroom. Every child should have a chance to succeed.


“Change is never easy. Make no mistake, this will be hard and frustrating, but necessary. Before anything comes to a vote, we need to listen to people all over Connecticut. Their input and suggestions will be the most valuable.


“This issue is far too important to rush into, band aid or wax poetic. Our children’s future, their success and our state’s economy are counting on us to get it right.”

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